

Tuition Assistance
  • The Study Academy offers assistance for tuition payments to students who qualify for school admission and whose families show evidence of a financial need
  • Financial aid is applied directly to tuition fee reduction and is not redeemable for cash or cash equivalents
Applying for Financial Aid
  • Application for financial aid is to be made concurrently with the school admissions process and is made through a third-party assessor (Apple Financial Services)
  • Applications are processed and analysed by Apple Financial, which in turn provides recommendations to the school review team
  • The school review team makes funding allocation decisions during the second week of February each year, such that interested families must complete their application no later than the January 31 before the start of the school year for which they are applying
  • For the February allocation, all completed recommendations will receive equal consideration and if funds remain, they may be allocated on a first-come first-awarded basis after the third week of February (check with the school on the availability of funds prior to applying late)
Eligibility for financial aid
  • Both new and returning families are eligible for financial aid
  • Requests for financial aid typically surpass total fund availability and application for a bursary does not ensure receiving one
  • Returning families will receive priority in fund disbursement, however, previous funding does not assure future funding
  • Students and families must maintain good standing with the school to remain eligible for funding, and the school reserves the right to not renew bursaries based on availability and student and family behaviour
Change In Your Financial Status
  • To support continuity of financial aid for families, those wishing to reapply for funding after having received it for the previous school year may complete the Bursary Renewal Form which will be provided with the enrolment documents in the November prior to the school year for which the application is being made (the form must be submitted prior to January 31 to ensure inclusion in the allocation process)
  • Families who have received financial aid, but have had a material change in their financial status and wish to apply for a different amount may do so by completing the application through Apple Financial Services by January 31 to ensure sufficient time for the provision of recommendations for the February review
Academic Standing
  • Academic milestones or achievements are not required for bursary recipients, but students are expected to maintain good academic and behavioural standing and to be contributing members of the school community


Interested families are required to complete the Financial Aid for Canadian Students’ (FACS) Form, which is done through Apple Financial Services. Applications should be made before January 1. Any questions you should have regarding the application may be directed to Apple Financial directly. Your completed forms should be submitted to Apple Financial, which in turn makes recommendations to the school. The bursary decision is communicated by letter to the applicant’s family at the time of their o er of admission. In parallel with the financial support application, families should complete the school application process.
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